To develop a proven methodology for the improved design of monopiles under environmental cyclic loading
The GROW partners Deltares, Eneco, IHC, innogy, Shell, TU Delft, Van Oord and associate partner Siemens Games kicked-off the MIDAS project. The project "Monopile Improved Design through Advanced cyclic Soil modelling" targets to develop a fundamental understanding of the interaction between monopile and soil under cyclic loading by combining advanced experimental and computational modelling.
Offshore wind turbines are getting bigger and more powerful. In the next decade, project developers will install turbines in increasingly harsh marine environments and deeper waters. This will present significant challenges for the design and installation of supporting structures.
MIDAS focuses on sandy soils, especially relevant for the North Sea. The project partners Van Oord and Siemens Gamesa will use the acquired knowledge to improve their technical models. Optimisation of monopile design will further reduce the cost of foundations and ultimately lead to lower electricity costs.