Outcome of the Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) project
Check out two companion papers!
Check out the outcome of the GROW project, “Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP)”, – led by Delft University of Technology. Both papers are available openaccess in OceanEngineering and report about the first experimental demonstration at the Maasvlakte site (Rotterdam) of the novel GDP technology.
Read part 1: about GDP installation tests and part 2: about the post-installation response to cyclic/dynamic lateral loading.
You can also have a look at the project pages. Find further details about GDP and related follow-up research GDP1.2 and SIMOX.
We gratefully acknowledge the hard work of the whole GDP team and the great support of all industry partners!
All partners involved in GDP are: Boskalis, CAPE Holland, Deltares, DOT, Eneco, IQIP, RWE, Shell, Seaway 7, Sif, TNO, TU Delft and Van Oord.