Growth through Research, development & demonstration in Offshore Wind

Interested in co-use of the North Sea? Join our workshop!

Dive deeper in the challenges of multi-use of offshore wind farms

GROW project Road2SID and MariPark are co-organising a workshop at the Offshore Experience (September 8th, in Den Helder) in relation to the co-use of space at sea between offshore wind farms, nature, alternative renewable energy and food production. During the workshop, we will dive deeper into the challenges that hinder the multi-use of offshore wind farms.

Through an exchange of information and perspectives, we will attempt to touch upon the technological, business case and regulatory issues that need to be addressed. All stakeholders with an interest in the subject are welcome to join; the outcome will be used to further shape policy for Marine Inclusive Industrial Parks (MariParks) in the coming months.

Find out more about Offshore Experience here.

            Interested in co-use of the North Sea? Join our workshop!
Interested in co-use of the North Sea? Join our workshop!