Growth through Research, development & demonstration in Offshore Wind

GROW and the Estonian Wind Energy Conference 2023

David de Jager presents the GROW programme and illustrates the importance of collaboration in innovation.

Estonia is on its way to becoming an offshore wind energy country with a 7 GW potential. The Estonian Wind Energy Conference 2023 conference aims to provide an in-depth look at the current status of Estonian (on- and offshore) wind energy developments, government plans, and the latest technological solutions. The conference is hosted by the Estonian Wind Power Association, the Dutch embassy in Estonia, the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), and RWE.

GROW is asked by the embassy and NWEA to present the outline of the GROW programme and to illustrate the importance of collaboration in innovation.

You can have a look the online webinar of 2 February. David presents around 5.24.00 of the recordings.

            GROW and the Estonian Wind Energy Conference 2023