Growth through Research, development & demonstration in Offshore Wind
New decommissioning technology for offshore wind
Many professionals from the offshore wind industry, government, and knowledge institutes showed the…
Article in Cobouw about SIMOX project
The FOWT IO&M project presents an integrated methodology for evaluating operations and maintena…
The installation of monopiles for offshore wind turbines can have an impact on marine life. The off…
Carl Barker wrote the fourth ReFlexion about one of the technologies we are developing in the FlexH…
Welding of offshore wind foundations is now redundant
Dongsheng Yang wrote the third Reflexion about one of the technologies we are developing in the Fle…
Iratxe González-Aparicio of TNO and Lucia Beloqui Larumbe of Shell, both work package leaders in th…
As part of the SIMPLE III project, the Vibrojet® will be tested on a pilot scale offshore, and nois…
Within the GROW programme, a Dutch collaboration comprising TNO, Shell, TU Delft, Suzlon, Tarucca…
Minimising wake effects for wind farms by closed-loop active wake steering and novel active wake mi…
Samenwerken en innoveren voor windenergie op zee
Vibrotwist is the winner of the jury and audience award of the Offshore Wind Innovators Award 2023.…
Introducing MIDASclay, a follow-up project to MIDAS
Roadmap for the Dutch North Sea
The second phase in the development of wrapped composite joints
We are pleased to announce our new GROW Partner, Huisman. Huisman designs, manufactures, and servic…
With Bubbles JIP, fresh insight has been gained into the understanding of bubble curtains. However,…
Conceptual design and optimum operations of the FlexH2 System. The second ReFlexion on one of the…
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) approved GDP2.0, the fourth project in the process
Get an impression of the successful tests of the Gentle Driving of Piles technology in clay
GROW is proud to announce, together with its partners, that the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)…
This is the first edition, we will not go into technical details here but rather provide a basis fo…
Flexible Offshore Wind Hydrogen Power Plant Module (FlexH2) aims to develop and demonstrate the tec…
Offshore tests and measurements are coming up to collect data for predicting underwater noise for…
One ring to install monopiles faster, cheaper, and more silently.
Execution of static and dynamic tensile tests on four tubular mooring piles for floating offshore…
Tree Composites produced the first full-scale Tree Composites Joint (TC-joint) within the WrapNode-…
Developing the ultimate weather atlas for rain and wind in the North Sea
Reducing the cost of foundation construction for offshore wind turbines
David de Jager presents the GROW programme and illustrates the importance of collaboration in innov…
Check out two companion papers!
Professor Jan-Willem van Wingerden was interviewed about our project Dynamic Wind Farm Flow Control.
How will our future electricity grid remain stable and affordable?
It sounds like a beautiful beach day: playing around with water and sand in an environment that can…
Twenty leading offshore wind parties extend their successful cooperation on innovation to 2030
To reduce costs and increase bolting safety for future large wind turbines.
More energy through dynamic control over the wind flow inside an offshore wind farm.
Innovation Origins, a European platform about innovation, start-ups and technologies, published an…
Dive deeper in the challenges of multi-use of offshore wind farms
Offshore wind and the winning tickets for the coming years
On July 7, 2022, Bart Ummels of Windpark Fryslân will share his lessons learned from developing the…
This geo-centrifuge reaches fifty times the g-forces as experienced in a rollercoaster and is used…
A smart way to measure the wind field and produce more energy
Ocean Winds, Ørsted and Vattenfall decided to participate and actively contribute to the project.
On May 16, 2022, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) announced that the GROW project SIMPLE-IIB…
Get a foggy impression!
Meet the team who loves spinning around monopiles and listen to the seventh edition of GROW-to-GO…
Our Flexible Offshore Wind Hydrogen Power Plant Module (FlexH2) project starts today. With this pro…
GBM Works is the winner of the jury award of the Offshore Wind Innovators Award 2021. The company…
The North Sea is one of the most used seas worldwide and home to various functions such as nature,…
Listen to the sixth edition of GROW-to-GO with Jan Coelingh (lead engineer wind resource at Vattenf…
Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest producers and retailers of electricity and heat has joined the…
An interview with Reinder Jorritsma and Robert Hasselaar (DOT) about the SJOR project.
Listen to the fifth edition of GROW-to-GO with Andrei Metrikine, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor,…
Listen to the fourth edition of GROW-to-GO with Harald van der Mijle Meijer (TNO), and Julie Teuwen…
A Flexible Offshore Wind Hydrogen Power Plant Module
Listen to the third edition of GROW-to-GO with Marko Pavlović, assistant professor at TU Delft, and…
In this way, the lifetime of wind turbine blades is significantly extended.
Listen to the second edition of GROW-to-GO with Richard Pijpers and Joke Luyten of TNO.
A podcast magazine on offshore wind innovation
Get an impression of the development and testing of this new installation technique.
The life of wind turbine blades is currently greatly shortened by leading-edge erosion. The erosion…
Follow the podcast about offshore wind innovation
Due to lighter structures and shorter manufacturing time wrapped joints can significantly reduce co…
Hydraulic Pile Extraction Scale Tests for testing the removal of piles from the soil at the end of…
Minimizing wake effects for wind farms by closed-loop active wake steering and novel active wake mi…
Within 5 years, the GROW research project SIMOX (Sustainable Installation of XXL Monopiles) aims to…
"We can say that the hydraulic extraction technique works. All important objectives have been succe…
At the end of their service life, monopiles used for the foundation of offshore wind turbines can…
Monday 18 May was the first deadline for submitting pre-proposals for the MOOI call for tender. MOO…
The GROW partners Deltares, Eneco, IHC, innogy, Shell, TU Delft, Van Oord and associate partner Sie…
On 25 April, Van Oord installed successfully the first foundation with a Slip Joint at the Borssele…
To achieve more efficient and effective use of bubble curtains for noise mitigation in offshore ins…
Sustainable monopile decommissioning, one step closer to circularity
Twist the cork and it becomes thinner
On Friday the 1st of November the Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP) project hosted a demonstration day…
After a year of offshore testing, the turbine with the slip joint connection was removed.
With the removal of the DOT wind turbine all phases of this concept’s lifetime are investigated and…
Did you visit our side event on foundation innovation at the WindDays and do you want to have an ot…
Interested in the developments in offshore wind foundations? Visit the GROW side event at the WindD…
In the coming years, offshore wind energy in the Netherlands will get a big boost. By 2030, the tot…
Offshore wind energy is a key technology in the transition of our energy system towards sustainabil…
SJOR project tests innovative connection offshore: ready-to-use installation within an hour.
As of today David de Jager succeeded Ernst van Zuijlen as Director of GROW.
The GROW consortium was officially launched at the WindDays 2016 conference held in Rotterdam, the…
Press inquiries
For questions about our news releases, please contact:
Anouk Stortenbeker +31 6 231 69 467